A couple of months ago, I started to make a few slight changes to my diet. I have been taking some health and wellness classes and have been seeking simple ways to eat healthier. Changes that I could pretty much forget I had changed. I decided to make part of these changes the switch from good ‘Ole Bessie's Milk to Almond milk. I was real (hereafter spelled 'rull')* apprehensive about it, but decided to give it a shot in my oatmeal and cereal. And would you know, I took quite a liking to the stuff. It only has 60 calories per serving compared to 2% milk's 137 calories. It is also a good source of calcium.
If you are looking for a flavor clone of milk, Almond milk is not. It is very similar, but you can definitely taste hints of almond and it lacks the mild twang of regular milk. It is a bit sweeter too. I like to use it in my cereal, oatmeal, latte’s and hot tea. It is great in smoothies. I put a little bit of yogurt, fruit and protein powder for a breakfast alternative that I can take with me. I would like to find some other neat recipes to use it in. I don’t generally drink it straight, not because I don’t like it, but I generally drink water. I take that back though; I have been known to eat a no-sugar added oatmeal cookie accompanied by a cold glass of said beverage. ;) When used in recipes, I find no change in flavor at all. This is good for two reasons 1. It helps to shave a fair amount of calories and fat from recipes that often call for whole or 2% and 2. I can trick my Southern, bad food- junkie parents into eating something healthy for a change. Brahaha! (I feel so sneaky when I do that.)
But, as I ate my bedtime snack of Twix and almond milk last night, I pondered the following question posed by a friend of mine, "How does one go about milking an almond?" I just can't seem to figure out how this sweet nectar of the gods gets squeezed out of such a seemingly 'un-juicy' nut. I should definitely research this. Then, we can be done with almond milk. I wonder, Is it by some unhealthy practice that renders the milk no better than its dairy relatives? Maybe I will post my findings in my next blog. Who knows?
As for me, I love the stuff, no matter how it got to my cereal bowl! It's rull good! I beseech thee to give it a try. I drink 'Almond Breeze' made by Blue Diamond, as pictured below. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Post your thoughts on almond milk and have a good one!

* Yes I realize that this is grammatically incorrect, but it adds emphasis when read aloud. You should try it. Go ahead. Say, “This almond milk is rull good.” See?