Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Taking the Plunge

Ahhhh... Summer!

This weekend kicked mine off in a big way. I finished my spring quarter of classes and was relieved of my duties as a student. (I love learning, but sometimes you just need a summer break. Can I get an Amen?) Sunday night I had a famous time with my friends! We cooked out and swam, played pool and volleyball, but mainly us girls talked. It was really pleasant to have a conversation of significant length with my friends. I rather enjoyed it!

Part of the evening's festivites, as I mentioned earlier, was swimming. OK. Let's just say the water was "cool and crisp." The sun was disappearing and it is the beginning of summer in the North, so use your imagination and you can quickly understand why I didn't swim long. Ha ha... My friend Lindsey had "Do a cannon ball" on her summer bucket list. Well, silly me put "Help my friends complete their summer bucket list" on mine. What can I say? I love my friends! I thus ventured into my suit of bathing and took the plunge... literally. It was a blast! Freezing, but worth the memory made. (That's me in the pic on the far left and Lindsey is the right.)

So, here's to the making of good memories and the blogs thereof!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer Bucket List

My Summer Bucket List

This summer I have decided to join my fellow blogger Lindsey Tipple (lindseytipple.blogspot.com) in creating a summer bucket list. I have come up with ten things that I would like to do before Summer "kicks the bucket." As I check each one off my list, I will be posting about the experience, hopefully with pics and videos!
My friend was inspired to create her Summer Bucket List after reading A million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller. I've read this book as well- you should read it too. In it he talks about creating a life worth living. Are we living on purpose? How can we live in such a way that we create a good story with our lives. Stories that mean something to those around us. The summer bucket list is her way of living on purpose this summer. By the same inspiration, I have chosen to adopt the concept as well.
So, I invite you to join in the fun and create your own Summer Bucket List! Here's mine:
1. Help my friends complete their bucket lists
2. Go to an out of state concert
3. Take 1,000 pictures
4. Throw a party for someone
5. Visit some place in my state that I've never been
6. Camp out in my yard
7. Paint something
8. Make a video
9. Catch a fish
10. Learn how to make a Vietnamese dish from my friend Savannah
Bonus: Learn how to make Aunt Suzie's sweet butter fudge

Can I do it all in 91 days?