Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Countdown Begins!
Well, the first day of fall is fast approaching. Apple cider, football, and pumpkins!!! Oh and don’t forget bon-fires! I love fall! This year it marks the dead line to complete my summer bucket list. As of right now, I have 2 days, 6 hours, 39 minutes and 26 seconds to scratch the final few items off of my list. I had hoped to blog about each experience individually, but some of them happened simultaneously and I blogged accordingly. Here’s the list again:
1. Help my friends complete their bucket lists
2. Go to an out of state concert
3. Take 1,000 pictures
4. Throw a party for someone
5. Visit some place in my state that I've never been
6. Camp out in my yard
7. Paint something
8. Make a video
9. Catch a fish
10. Learn how to make a Vietnamese dish from my friend Savannah
Bonus: Learn how to make Aunt Suzie's sweet butter fudge
I kicked off my bucket list by working on number one. I joined my fellow bucket blogger, Lindsey T., and did a cannon ball into a sub-zero swimming pool at the outset of summer. I wrote about number two in “Chappelle in the Middle of Nowhere Say What?” I failed to mention in that blog, though, that I completed number five in tandem. The town that I saw Dave Chappelle in was the town I had purposed to visit in my state that I had never been. Yellow Springs is such a quaint little town with an abundance of good eats! My friend Janna had wanted me and Lindsey T. to go with her for a while and I’m glad we did. It was so much fun!
It seems like number seven chose me. I never planned to make this one happen. It just happened to me. While I was in Georgia on my internship, my cousin Autumn was in the middle of painting a mural in a baby’s room and she asked me to give her a hand. I couldn’t believe it! She didn’t even know about my bucket list, so she was pretty jazzed too. To me, painting is so soothing. I wish I had more time to do it. I didn’t think I could ever tackle something like a mural, but it turned out great! The next one I completed was number nine; except for I didn’t catch a fish per-se. I got really close so I’m counting it, but I never got the fish that was on my line out of the water. :( Nonetheless I fished, which I hadn’t done in years. Great success!
Now for the ones I didn’t complete… yet. I haven’t thrown a party for someone, I haven’t camped out in my yard, I haven’t made a video, and I haven’t learned to make a Vietnamese dish from Savannah. I’m not sure how many pictures I have taken yet, but I am confident that I can hit the 1,000 mark. I still have every intention of completing the last few items. I will not be defeated! Wish me luck as I work on the last few in the next two days!
You will be hearing from me soon!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Two Weeks
Two Weeks: My experience as an intern
This song summarizes the experience well. Headed in the Right Direction
Two weeks. It is such a short span of time in the grand scheme of things. A lot can happen in two weeks, though. For me, two weeks spent in Good Hope, GA had a dramatic impact. As a student, learning is a way of life and often becomes humdrum. In the honeymoon phase of a career as a student, you’re amazed at the introduction of new ideas and concepts and you’re excited to know that those few years will change your life. However, it doesn’t take long for complacency to set in. You soon forget that even a single class has the power to change your life’s course. That is where I was when I left out to intern for Huff Recording Studios. I knew the opportunity of working in a recording studio would be exciting, but my faith in any sort of long term impact had waned. Jesus’ words to a boat full of frightened fisherman could have been directed at me, “Oh you of little faith.”
Day one on the job seemed to confirm my disbelief, when I sat for eight hours wondering, “What in the heck am I doing here? I have no place in a recording studio.” What I didn’t know was that my boss, David Huff, didn’t need someone that was a fixture at a recording studio. He needed an administrator; someone that was comfortable with making the phone calls and orchestrating the day to day business. Lucky for him, I fit that bill. Thus, from day two forward, a great growing process began.
One week prior to my arrival, David’s MacBook Pro had been stolen from his car while vacationing in San Francisco. Everything was a total loss. Nothing had been backed up. In the midst of mixing two albums, tracking another, and playing out, finding the time to pick up the pieces was impossible for David. This recovery process became my main project during my time as an intern for Huff Recording Studios. Everything from album artwork to song lyrics were locked up in a shiny silver case under some social deviant’s arm 2,600 miles away. Every day brought on a new challenge, as slowly more things were recalled that had been on the laptop.
A new laptop was purchased shortly and the rebuilding process began. I took what I knew about a Mac and applied it, but there was still a lot I didn’t know. I set out to learn everything I could to help me make the best of the situation. I read articles, downloaded third-party software (don’t tell Steve Jobs), watched tutorials, and even attended a seminar at the Mac store in Atlanta. I managed pretty well and got very familiar with the Mac interface. I made a lot of phone calls to recover graphics, photos, passwords, and other files. Fortunate for me, David finally found all of the software that he had on the last one. It would have been very costly to replace all of it.
When I wasn’t working on the laptop project, I ran errands, changed light bulbs, lent my ears to the mixing process, and offered ideas and opinions for David’s personal music career and that of his studio and record label. I am happy to report that he like my ideas and has asked me to plan the release of his next album.
During the mixing process, I felt so inadequate to offer my opinions to someone who has been in the business for 50 plus years, yet I was honored that he asked. I was even more blown away when he complimented my ‘ear’ to a friend in the business. It was so educational to not only watch the entire mixing and mastering process happen from one day to the next, but to be a part of it as well.
We became fast friends! |
I learned so much about the industry and the recording studio, but above all I learned a lot about myself. I learned that I am capable of exceeding expectations of others and myself. I learned that believing in myself is half the battle. I learned that I didn’t make the wrong decision to attend Hocking College for an associate’s degree, after I had received a bachelor’s degree from Ohio University. And I learned that approaching any task with a servant’s attitude and a heart to please almost always guarantees success. And all of it I learned in just two weeks.
Note: I used the 'Georgia' font, since I talked about Georgia. I thought you might appreciate that. ;~)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Chapelle in the middle of nowhere. Say what?
Who can say no to that face? |
This summer has been awesome! I have gotten to do so many things. It seems my summer bucket list has served as a bit of a blueprint for my summer. Methodically scratching items off my list wasn't exactly the goal of my summer, but having the intention to do so in the background has given my summer a bit more purpose it seems. Maybe it would have been that way without the list, since much has happened outside of the bucket. Who knows?
Line item two on my list was to go to a concert out of state. When I came up with that one, I was inteding to capitalize on my time in Georgia as an intern. I thought, "Hey Lindsay, you're a music student on a music internship, you'll certainly be attending a show during your time there especially since you're working for an awesome music dude." Wrong! Ha ha! There were absolutely no shows in the area. So, you can just imagine my excitement when just a few days after my return home a lovely opportunity presented itself like a little present wrapped with baubles and bows. (I'm not really sure what babubles are, but it sounds like it would be cool to get a present wrapped with them.) I got an email from Mocha club (a rockin' awesome organization that you should go visit asking for volunteers for a show in Louisville, KY. My friend and I applied and got the job. Woot.
Line item two on my list was to go to a concert out of state. When I came up with that one, I was inteding to capitalize on my time in Georgia as an intern. I thought, "Hey Lindsay, you're a music student on a music internship, you'll certainly be attending a show during your time there especially since you're working for an awesome music dude." Wrong! Ha ha! There were absolutely no shows in the area. So, you can just imagine my excitement when just a few days after my return home a lovely opportunity presented itself like a little present wrapped with baubles and bows. (I'm not really sure what babubles are, but it sounds like it would be cool to get a present wrapped with them.) I got an email from Mocha club (a rockin' awesome organization that you should go visit asking for volunteers for a show in Louisville, KY. My friend and I applied and got the job. Woot.
Fresh flowers adorning our table at Sunshine Cafe |
We decided to make a day of the festivities and visit a friend on the way down. We met for lunch in Yellow Springs, OH. It's a quaint little naturey, artsy, organicy (formerly not a word, but now is) kind of town. After a scrumptious lunch of tandoori chicken quesadilla's and coffee we went for a stroll around the block. While passing a park bench my friend leans over and says, "Did that guy look like..." I quickly finished her sentence with, "Dave Chappelle? Yes." We laughed and joked about how funny it would be if we actually saw THE Dave Chappelle in this little off-out-in-the-sticks town. As we headed back to the car, we were still going on about how much this guy resembled him. So, being all tech-saavy, we whipped out our smartphones and went to researching. As it turns out, we did in fact cross paths with Mr. Chapelle. Apparently he lives in the corn fields in that area and does his banking on the street where we found him in a gray tank top on a park bench. Who'd a thunk? (I wish now we would have gone back and got a pic with the Chapelle "look-alike". Oh Well!)
We quickly got over our disappointment of passing up an awesome facebook, bragging rights photo opp and trekked on down the road. Each turn seemed to take us deeper into the inner city of Louisville. (I was a wee bit skeered at first, I must admit.) We unloaded and got set up at the concert and met the bands and what not. Katie Herzig and her crew for the evening, Larkyn Poe, and Matthew Perryman Jones, were all outstanding. Every set was made up of just three people, but it sounded like a full band. Outstanding! I knew Herzig would be good, but wasn't sure about the others and I have to say that Larkyn Poe blew me out of the water. I was thoroughly impressed with them on stage, and even more impressed with them off stage. Great girls. I hope to be able to keep in touch.
All in all, crossing this item off the lsit was sheer pleasure and came with some great added bonuses. I love living life on purpose!
Friends |
Friday, July 9, 2010
Contrast = Beauty
Summer is in full swing my friends!
I am currently in Georgia interning for Huff Recording Studios. I’m having a great time! This past fourth of July weekend will be one of the most memorable that I have celebrated. Not so much because we did anything off the wall, but mainly because it was different than my tradition.
On Saturday my cousins and newfound friends and I took in the sights and sounds of Turner field. The Braves went head to head with the Florida Marlins. Sporting events are always good for bringing out the quacks. In front of us, there was a gentleman cheering his team to victory with the sound of the trump. Every strike, double play, steal, and homerun were followed by the regal sound of some sort of medieval looking horn adorned with a lovely gold tassel. I rather enjoyed watching him toot his horn. He also had a whistle that he blew in between good plays! While seated alone during a nacho run (in which our dear friend Rodney roamed the stadium barefoot), I was blessed to have a young man plop his carcass down beside me, slosh his beer about and ask my name. It was quite the encounter. Luckily his dad turned around and told him he was a nut and that he needed to leave me alone. Wow! I was told to take such accostment as a compliment. Hmmm…. Not so sure about that.
Sunday was filled with more family and friends, church, picnicking, trips to the neglected park bathrooms (in which there was ZERO toilet paper), corn hole, and fireworks. Spending so much time outside over the holiday felt so good after being holed up in the studio everyday!
With my friends back home maintaining our tradition of fireworks and mullet hunting, my attention was called to the beauty of contrast. Without tradition, spontaneity is blasé and forgettable, and vice versa. What do the good days mean without the crappy days really? And doesn’t the beauty of life make death worth it? All throughout the Bible God is trying to communicate to us this valuable relationship between the ups and downs.
Philippians 4:11 KJV
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am , therewith to be content
Ecclesiastes 7:3 KJV
Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant , and a time to pluck up that which is planted ; 3 A time to kill , and a time to heal ; a time to break down , and a time to build up ; 4 A time to weep , and a time to laugh ; a time to mourn , and a time to dance ; 5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together ; a time to embrace , and a time to refrain from embracing ; 6 A time to get , and a time to lose ; a time to keep , and a time to cast away ; 7 A time to rend , and a time to sew ; a time to keep silence , and a time to speak ; 8 A time to love , and a time to hate ; a time of war, and a time of peace.
I hope to live with this principal smack dab between my eyes. When life seemingly sucks, I hope to be able to see it as beauty and relish the good things that much more! I want the drunk guy hitting on me to make Prince Charming even more obvious to me.
As people, contrast makes us better.
Proverbs 27:17 KJV
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend
I am currently in Georgia interning for Huff Recording Studios. I’m having a great time! This past fourth of July weekend will be one of the most memorable that I have celebrated. Not so much because we did anything off the wall, but mainly because it was different than my tradition.
On Saturday my cousins and newfound friends and I took in the sights and sounds of Turner field. The Braves went head to head with the Florida Marlins. Sporting events are always good for bringing out the quacks. In front of us, there was a gentleman cheering his team to victory with the sound of the trump. Every strike, double play, steal, and homerun were followed by the regal sound of some sort of medieval looking horn adorned with a lovely gold tassel. I rather enjoyed watching him toot his horn. He also had a whistle that he blew in between good plays! While seated alone during a nacho run (in which our dear friend Rodney roamed the stadium barefoot), I was blessed to have a young man plop his carcass down beside me, slosh his beer about and ask my name. It was quite the encounter. Luckily his dad turned around and told him he was a nut and that he needed to leave me alone. Wow! I was told to take such accostment as a compliment. Hmmm…. Not so sure about that.
Sunday was filled with more family and friends, church, picnicking, trips to the neglected park bathrooms (in which there was ZERO toilet paper), corn hole, and fireworks. Spending so much time outside over the holiday felt so good after being holed up in the studio everyday!
With my friends back home maintaining our tradition of fireworks and mullet hunting, my attention was called to the beauty of contrast. Without tradition, spontaneity is blasé and forgettable, and vice versa. What do the good days mean without the crappy days really? And doesn’t the beauty of life make death worth it? All throughout the Bible God is trying to communicate to us this valuable relationship between the ups and downs.
Philippians 4:11 KJV
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am , therewith to be content
Ecclesiastes 7:3 KJV
Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant , and a time to pluck up that which is planted ; 3 A time to kill , and a time to heal ; a time to break down , and a time to build up ; 4 A time to weep , and a time to laugh ; a time to mourn , and a time to dance ; 5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together ; a time to embrace , and a time to refrain from embracing ; 6 A time to get , and a time to lose ; a time to keep , and a time to cast away ; 7 A time to rend , and a time to sew ; a time to keep silence , and a time to speak ; 8 A time to love , and a time to hate ; a time of war, and a time of peace.
I hope to live with this principal smack dab between my eyes. When life seemingly sucks, I hope to be able to see it as beauty and relish the good things that much more! I want the drunk guy hitting on me to make Prince Charming even more obvious to me.
As people, contrast makes us better.
Proverbs 27:17 KJV
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend
Africa 2008 with my friends Patience and Ebenezer
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Taking the Plunge
Ahhhh... Summer!
This weekend kicked mine off in a big way. I finished my spring quarter of classes and was relieved of my duties as a student. (I love learning, but sometimes you just need a summer break. Can I get an Amen?) Sunday night I had a famous time with my friends! We cooked out and swam, played pool and volleyball, but mainly us girls talked. It was really pleasant to have a conversation of significant length with my friends. I rather enjoyed it!
Part of the evening's festivites, as I mentioned earlier, was swimming. OK. Let's just say the water was "cool and crisp." The sun was disappearing and it is the beginning of summer in the North, so use your imagination and you can quickly understand why I didn't swim long. Ha ha... My friend Lindsey had "Do a cannon ball" on her summer bucket list. Well, silly me put "Help my friends complete their summer bucket list" on mine. What can I say? I love my friends! I thus ventured into my suit of bathing and took the plunge... literally. It was a blast! Freezing, but worth the memory made. (That's me in the pic on the far left and Lindsey is the right.)
So, here's to the making of good memories and the blogs thereof!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Summer Bucket List
My Summer Bucket List
This summer I have decided to join my fellow blogger Lindsey Tipple ( in creating a summer bucket list. I have come up with ten things that I would like to do before Summer "kicks the bucket." As I check each one off my list, I will be posting about the experience, hopefully with pics and videos!
My friend was inspired to create her Summer Bucket List after reading A million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller. I've read this book as well- you should read it too. In it he talks about creating a life worth living. Are we living on purpose? How can we live in such a way that we create a good story with our lives. Stories that mean something to those around us. The summer bucket list is her way of living on purpose this summer. By the same inspiration, I have chosen to adopt the concept as well.
So, I invite you to join in the fun and create your own Summer Bucket List! Here's mine:
1. Help my friends complete their bucket lists
2. Go to an out of state concert
3. Take 1,000 pictures
4. Throw a party for someone
5. Visit some place in my state that I've never been
6. Camp out in my yard
7. Paint something
8. Make a video
8. Make a video
9. Catch a fish
10. Learn how to make a Vietnamese dish from my friend Savannah
Bonus: Learn how to make Aunt Suzie's sweet butter fudgeCan I do it all in 91 days?
Sunday, April 4, 2010
How do you milk an almond? Hmm...

A couple of months ago, I started to make a few slight changes to my diet. I have been taking some health and wellness classes and have been seeking simple ways to eat healthier. Changes that I could pretty much forget I had changed. I decided to make part of these changes the switch from good ‘Ole Bessie's Milk to Almond milk. I was real (hereafter spelled 'rull')* apprehensive about it, but decided to give it a shot in my oatmeal and cereal. And would you know, I took quite a liking to the stuff. It only has 60 calories per serving compared to 2% milk's 137 calories. It is also a good source of calcium.
If you are looking for a flavor clone of milk, Almond milk is not. It is very similar, but you can definitely taste hints of almond and it lacks the mild twang of regular milk. It is a bit sweeter too. I like to use it in my cereal, oatmeal, latte’s and hot tea. It is great in smoothies. I put a little bit of yogurt, fruit and protein powder for a breakfast alternative that I can take with me. I would like to find some other neat recipes to use it in. I don’t generally drink it straight, not because I don’t like it, but I generally drink water. I take that back though; I have been known to eat a no-sugar added oatmeal cookie accompanied by a cold glass of said beverage. ;) When used in recipes, I find no change in flavor at all. This is good for two reasons 1. It helps to shave a fair amount of calories and fat from recipes that often call for whole or 2% and 2. I can trick my Southern, bad food- junkie parents into eating something healthy for a change. Brahaha! (I feel so sneaky when I do that.)
But, as I ate my bedtime snack of Twix and almond milk last night, I pondered the following question posed by a friend of mine, "How does one go about milking an almond?" I just can't seem to figure out how this sweet nectar of the gods gets squeezed out of such a seemingly 'un-juicy' nut. I should definitely research this. Then, we can be done with almond milk. I wonder, Is it by some unhealthy practice that renders the milk no better than its dairy relatives? Maybe I will post my findings in my next blog. Who knows?
As for me, I love the stuff, no matter how it got to my cereal bowl! It's rull good! I beseech thee to give it a try. I drink 'Almond Breeze' made by Blue Diamond, as pictured below. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Post your thoughts on almond milk and have a good one!

* Yes I realize that this is grammatically incorrect, but it adds emphasis when read aloud. You should try it. Go ahead. Say, “This almond milk is rull good.” See?
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